1800 руб



Therapeutic category General eye drops
Brand Name Approval Rohto C cube aqua charge i
Product name Rohto C cube aqua charge i
Product name (Read) Rohto C cube aqua charge i
Product features I can use it with putting on all contact lenses. In addition, it is available after having taken off a contact lens. (software hardware, O2, throwaway)
By ??????? combination it is moistened, and to leave to eyes, it is effective for a thing of eyes or the side and fatigue.
I wrap a lens with moisture and give eyes a feeling of comfortable wearing.
Hyaluronic acid Na (viscous agent of the preparation) combination
I do not combine a preservative (benzalkonium chloride, paraben).
to consult
1. The following people please contact your doctor or pharmacist before use.
(1) who are receiving medical attention.
(2) The person himself or a family is a person of the allergic predisposition.
(3) People who have had allergic reactions caused by drugs.
(4) persons with the following symptoms. Severe pain in the eye ...
(5) The following persons were diagnosed. Glaucoma.
2. In the case of next, I cancel use promptly, and please talk with a doctor or a pharmacist with this manual.
(1) After use, the following symptoms may occur.
[Relationship site: Symptoms]
Skin: redness, rash, itching
Eyes: It is fine, and it soaks, and hyperemia, an itch are painful
(2) If the blurred vision has not improved
(3) If the symptoms are often not even with 2 weeks
Efficacy Discomfort when I attach a soft contact lens or a hard lens, the supporting (eyes dry) eyestrain of the tear, haze (time with much eye mucus) of eyes
Efficacy-related care
Dosage 1-2 drops once, please eye drops 5-6 times a day.
Usage-related care (1) When I let an infant use it, let me use it with the instruction supervision of the protector.
(2) where the vessel lid, please keep off to the lashes. [Pollution or contamination (eg dust or gum) or] cause, Please do not use those cloudy.
(3) Please only use for eye drops.
(4) can be used when you're not wearing contact lenses.
Component quantity
Component Quantity
Sodium chondroitin sulfate 0.5%
Potassium chloride 0.08%
Sodium chloride 0.44%
Calcium chloride hydrate 0.005%
Sodium hydrogen carbonate 0.05%
??????? 0.01%
Additive Boric acid, borax, hyaluronic acid sodium, polysorbate 80, polyoxyethylene poly oxypropylene glycol (??????), edetic acid sodium, pH modifier
Cautions for storage and handling (1) Please keep it tightly in the shaded cool place. Please do not leave him unattended in the high temperature place (more than 40 degrees Celsius) including the automatic inside of car and near the heater to maintain quality.
(2) Please keep it out of reach of infants.
(3) Please do not turned into another container. (Change the quality of the misuse or cause)
(4) Please do not share it with others.
(5) The past product please do not use (I list it in a cabinet) on an expiration date. In addition, please use it as soon as possible even if I meet in expiration dates after having opened it once.
(6) The state of the store, you can get to the inside of the cap and the tip of the container of the component crystals. If so, please use wiping lightly with a clean gauze.
(7) I put other things in a container, and please do not use it.
Consumer Counseling Contact: Customer Support Desk safety
Feedback of this product is to use, etc. Could you tell us also points to Know Us. "You answer the" is the support desk.
Manufacturing and sales companies Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Tatsuminishi, Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi
Risk category Category 3 drugs


1300 руб



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